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Writer's pictureDavid Graham

The Pursuit is the Point: Rediscovering the True Essence of Fishing

Updated: Nov 3

By David Graham: November 1, 2024

I think fishing may be the purest 'sport' on earth... but the waters are muddier now than ever before. Its purpose has evolved - unavoidably so... from being a necessary means of survival - to being a simple pastime that allows us to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life... in recent years, a troubling trend has emerged within the angling community: an increasing obsession with validation, recognition, and the pursuit of status. Social media has amplified this phenomenon, where the potential gain of status or some form of digital metric can eclipse the joy of the experience itself. It's time to shift our focus back to the essence of fishing—embracing the process of the pursuit.

The Allure of Validation

In a world driven by likes and shares, it’s easy to see why anglers feel pressured to post their biggest catches online or chase after record-breaking feats. Being affirmed feels good... it provides a rush of validation that can be intoxicating. Yet, this quest for recognition can distort our relationship with the sport. Instead of seeking connection with nature and camaraderie with fellow anglers, we find ourselves fixated on external markers of success.

Fishing, at its core is adventurous. As the world around us has developed to become more and more comfortable and catered, I think the angler's instinctual desire to be challenged calls out to them. We may not fish as much as a means for survival as our ancestors did... but its still a unique way to tap into primal senses. An easy life is predictable, mundane, and patterned... but fishing offers the promise of something new—a different waterway to explore, a novel technique to master, or an unexpected challenge to overcome. It gives an invaluable forum of measure for our resolve and ability to adapt. The value in the experience really lies more in that process of discovery than the discovery (the fish) itself. We need to ensure that focus is shifted away from the outcomes and towards the pursuit... or atleast realize that a trophy fish finds its greatest value in what lead up to its capture.

Embracing Uncertainty

Fishing is inherently unpredictable. The fish may not be biting, the weather may not cooperate, or our carefully planned strategies may fall flat. But therein lies the beauty of the pursuit. Embracing uncertainty is not just a part of fishing; it's a vital aspect of life. The lessons learned during those frustrating, fishless days can be just as valuable as the triumphs. They teach us patience, adaptability, and resilience. How often does someone post a flashy image depicting a faceplant though? We don't like to show things being hard, and certainly that isn't an effective marketing strategy by brands... "look at our product, its struggling!"

Instead of viewing setbacks as failures, consider them as opportunities for growth. A callusing of our fortitude. Each time we venture out with our rods in hand, we are given a chance to learn something new about ourselves and the world around us. By prioritizing the process over the product, we begin to appreciate the nuances of fishing in ways we never imagined.

Reimagining the Experience

To rekindle the passion for fishing, we need to seek out experiences that remind us why we fell in love with the sport in the first place. Here are some the ways anglers can 'reset':

  1. Explore New Waters: Visit local lakes, rivers, or coastal areas you’ve never tried before. Each new environment offers its own unique challenges and rewards. It affords us the opportunity to re-trace the steps we took as a new angler... when the passion for the pursuit may have peaked.

  2. Experiment with Techniques: If you typically fish with a spinning rod, give fly fishing or baitcasting a try. Each technique can bring new excitement and deepen your understanding of the sport. Embrace every opportunity to be the student again, because this will harden valuable soft skills like humility.

  3. Disconnect to Connect: Consider leaving your phone behind for a day. Instead of documenting every moment for social media, immerse yourself fully in the experience.

  4. Share Stories, Not Just Catches: Instead of posting only photos of your biggest fish, share anecdotes about your adventures. Highlight unexpected encounters!

We should really be intentional about recognizing the value of the pursuit as much as the fish itself - as the two are not mutually exclusive. The greatest things in life are earned... that rule applies everywhere, always has. My experience as an angler has always been the most fulfilling when i've had the clarity of mind to hit the reset button, stop worrying about cheap gains, making demands of my experience and realize the value of hard days...


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Nov 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Best article and description of how much knowledge and life lessons one can learn and pass on to family, friends,and even strangers you meet in your pursuit of endless memories

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